Mismatched Control and Monitoring Frequencies: Vulnerability, Attack, and Mitigation

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IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 2024


Zeyu Yang, Liang He, Peng Cheng and Jiming Chen.


Stealthy attacks manipulate the operation of Industrial Control Systems (ICSs) without being undetected, allowing persistent manipulation of system operation and thus the potential to cause destructive damage. This paper introduces a new vulnerability of ICS that can be exploited to mount stealthy attacks without requiring any domain knowledge. This vulnerability is caused by a common practice in system monitoring, i.e., the SCADA monitors ICS operation at a much lower frequency than system execution, causing a loss of precision when the SCADA tries to cross-validate the issued control commands using the collected sensory data. Exploiting this vulnerability, an attack called PLC-SAGE is designed to stealthily manipulate the system operation by identifying and injecting malicious control commands that will not be concluded as abnormal by the SCADA. This paper further discusses a preferred ICS engineering practice and an attestation strategy to mitigate the above vulnerability and protect ICS from PLC-SAGE. Both PLC-SAGE and the proposed mitigations have been experimentally validated on two ICS platforms.